we produce the 12/18 color soft pvc dispensing machine, automatic oven, conveyor, for make pvc label patch, keychain, cup coaster, sports glove tpr patch, use this convery, can working with 3pcs dispensing machines, with good production.



here is the video:



Published in pvc related machines
Wednesday, 29 December 2021 07:20

9sets soft pvc dispensing machine delivery today

9sets soft pvc dispensing machine delivery today


Published in news

18sets pvc dispensing machines delivery today

18 color soft pvc dispensing machine18 color soft pvc dispensing machine18 color soft pvc dispensing machine18 color soft pvc dispensing machineproduction2

Published in news
Tuesday, 02 March 2021 05:00

soft pvc dispensing machines delivery

soft pvc dispensing machines delivery

soft pvc dispensing machinessoft pvc dispensing machinessoft pvc dispensing machinessoft pvc dispensing machinessoft pvc dispensing machines

Published in news

18sets pvc dispensing machines are ready for packing and delivery today

pvc dispensing machinespvc dispensing machinespvc dispensing machinespvc dispensing machinespvc dispensing machinespvc dispensing machines

Published in news

22sets soft pvc rubber dispensing machines delivery today

soft pvc rubber dispensing machinesoft pvc rubber dispensing machinesoft pvc rubber dispensing machinesoft pvc rubber dispensing machinesoft pvc rubber dispensing machine

Published in news

6sets soft pvc rubber dispensing machine shipping this morning

soft pvc rubber dispensing machinesoft pvc rubber dispensing machine

Published in news
Wednesday, 28 October 2020 04:00

7sets dispensing machines delivery this morning

7sets dispensing machines delivery this morning

 soft pvc dispensing machinesoft pvc dispensing machine

Published in news
Monday, 21 September 2020 03:33

soft pvc label patch micro injection machine

we are soft pvc & silicone machine factory, we provideo pvc dispenser machine and automatic oven, and related complete machines,

we have 6/8/12/18/24/30 color pvc dispenser machine, also machine PC model, and base color machine.

more information please contact:

whatsapp: 0086 136 8600 2130

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

web: www.pvcrubber.com

Published in Video
Sunday, 19 July 2020 05:36

pvc rubber label machine

soft pvc rubber label machine with 12, 18 color


Published in Video
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